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Gary 05 AMB DST

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Everything posted by Gary 05 AMB DST

  1. Check the poly spacers that stabilize the jacks. Don't remember where they were, but they are somewhere on the jack. I know cause I changed mine when I was repairing the jacks. How's that for a vote of confidence? Gary 05 AMB DST
  2. Has anyone individually cleaned out the bottom corners and track as I described? Look at Scotty's photos. Where is the most damage? If you don't remove the crud, it will just pile up. You're not removing anything, just packing it tighter. Gary 05 AMB DST
  3. I've always been a radiator cleaner believer. Look at the radiator from inside the MH. Look at the lower right and left corners. You will see an accumulation of leaves. Look at the bottom tray and you will see leaves. Those things sit there forever, collect water and corrode metal. Get a light that will light things up in that area. I took 1/4" rod and bent it to get it to fit in that 2" left hand gap corner while laying on my stomach and trying to work around the radiator fan blades. Pull some leaves out of the spaces, get the 3' crevice cleaner for the shop vac and suck up the leaves. Repeat as needed. Then spray with whatever cleaner you want and then hose the radiator from inside a couple times. Start the engine and immediately go to the rear for the bubble machine. You will get a perfect view of the fan's air flow through the radiator by the bubbles. It's never the total radiator, just what is behind the fan. No Pressure Washers allowed. Gary 05 AMB DST
  4. Every time I see this listing, Entry Door Awing- UH OH, I think of Joe Cocker, Lifes Been Good to Me, Uh Oh Here Comes A Flock of Wham Whams! The things we relate to other things. Gary 05 AMB DST
  5. Those talented RV assembly line members aren't. That arm is just screwed to the outside 1/4" laminated luan siding. Try a plastic toggle with the smallest hole. Remember that wall is only 1 1/4" thick. I shouldn't blame the workers, they were doing what they were told. Gary 05 AMB DST
  6. Tom, I'm correct. I was scared too till I saw the year. Gary 05 AMB DST
  7. Plus you get some wire. Gary 05 AMB DST
  8. This only applies up to the 2004 and earlier frames. The Ambassador went on the Endeaver platform in 2005. Gary 05 AMB DST
  9. Monaco/Holiday Rambler used a generic wiring for their units. They ran wire to everything that could appear in the any motorhome. On my 05 Ambassador, being the lowest model, has coils of wire in many places that weren't needed. If it isn't being used, it isn't needed. Gary 05 AMB DST
  10. I think getting Alexa would be the easiest way. Gary 05 AMB DST
  11. Loel, I don't remember the name of the supply house, they were bought out, in Elkhart. A Dometic supplier will probably have a listing. I did this a good 10-12 years ago. It's just the temperature sensor that you already have with wire and plug. I just unplugged the plug and left the sensor under the front tv, coiled the new wire and hung the sensor near the A/C grill. Gary 05 AMB DST
  12. Vito, this information means as much to me as Rikadoo's latest shock access secret. Dreams are starting to come true. Gary05 AMB DST
  13. Ric, I never realized that you can raise the fender by removing the straps that hold the fender on. I would lay there and stare at the location for shock removal. Same with the replacement of the air bags. That photo should go into the RV "Greatest Way To Make The Job Easier" historiography manual. Thank You! Gary 05 AMB DST
  14. I bought a new temperature sensor, disconnected the original one and installed the new sensor and placed it near the return air vent on the ceiling. Gary 05 AMB DST
  15. Those RV electrical boxes are so shallow. I use a box extender to get more room for a normal electrical outlet. I didn't know that photo was the outlet closed Gary 05 AMB DST
  16. Thanks Tom, I've seen them, just didn't know what they're called. Gary 05 AMB DST
  17. Steve, when I replaced my fridge, I built a platform over the steering wheel and across the front. Since my fridge was over a furnace, I built a ramp and another platform to get it to the right elevation and just push it in. Kept one member of the team in the bedroom so he could help slide it in. The 1/2 bath was across from the fridge. Gary 05 AMB DST
  18. Did you try turning it the opposite way that Mark & Kim did? Try to get that right side of the fridge out first. Gary 05 AMB DST
  19. What's with the upside down pineapples? Gary 05 AMB DST
  20. Is the white UMHW plastic outside under the slide attached to the wooden floor that is falling apart? How far inward from the side walls is the rotten wood? It sounds like a Talin Guardian plate "may" be the way to go. Gary 05 AMB DST
  21. What do you mean "behind the shower" Why do you think this happened at the factory. Did you buy this new? Gary 05 AMB DST
  22. Before I had a new countertop installed, I removed the existing one and made changes to the cupboard that I wanted, not much, just eliminated the radius corners. I removed the front of the below the sink cupboard and built a structural frame that the new countertop would rest on. I made the old cupboard front one piece and then installed it without the doors with screws to the structure frame. Installed the doors and now I can remove that one piece front and have access to the under counter world without trying to work through the doors. Still have to go through the doors to remove the screws. Gary 05 AMB DST
  23. Frederic, look up the Anodic Index. It will give you a list of metals and their standing in the corrosion rank. Gary 05 AMB DST A washer just prevents the head from touching the metal. The threaded portion is still in touch with the metal being screwed. Gary 05 AMB DST
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