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Can we ban ppl that say check the manual? Like honestly this is a friendly group and most ppl won't post something if they have the manual.  Also most tips learned aren't posten in " the manual "...

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5 hours ago, Romeo84 said:

Can we ban ppl that say check the manual? Like honestly this is a friendly group and most ppl won't post something if they have the manual.  Also most tips learned aren't posten in " the manual "...

Your post escapes me. What is ppl?


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Many folks (ppl) do not have manuals and are asking for assistance and/or advise and may not realize the wealth of information contained in the manuals or our parts list and our files section.

When I see a request for help that I do not have a reasonable answer for, I just go on the the next question/request.  I do read most questions and answers to further my own knowledge and information in the hopes that I can assist someone else where ever that problem may arise, at group gatherings, the person in the next camp site, etc.

Bill B 07 Dynasty

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Thank you for the suggestion. I’ll address it more specifically below, but this gives me the opportunity to mention how the site works, and how to report content you feel is “out of bounds”, which may be helpful to newer members.  

The Moderators attempt to address rude or unhelpful comments, but as everyone involved with running this site is a volunteer, there is not someone monitoring the site constantly and we don’t always see every post.  

We have community guidelines that address behavior on the site, and ask that members report rude, abusive, or unhelpful comments.  You can do this when you see one of these comments by clicking the three little dots int he upper right hand corner of that post, and click “Report”.  That will bring it to the attention of the moderators, and one of us will address the comment as soon as possible.

While we’re on the the subject, I’d like to remind everyone that when we DO take action, NO ONE sees it but the offending party.  We will NOT publicly reprimand or take further action where others can see.  As Momma said, “Praise in Public, Punish in Private.”  Unfortunately, this sometimes gives the impression we’re not doing anything, but I promise you... we are.  Finally, I’ll add that there are occasional posts that never see the light of day, or are removed by a moderator almost immediately when posted.

We don’t typically “ban” people unless they are multiple offenders or obvious spammers. We typically follow a 3 step process: 1. warning, 2. Suspension of posting, and 3. Ban.  

As for the “read the manual” comments...  yes, that comment, made without additional advice, comment, or context is not helpful and somewhat rude.  When I see that as the entire post, I usually just delete it.  That said, with all of the different models and years of coaches, it is often necessary to refer folks to the manual of their specific coach, because the poster may not have details available only in the manual. (But I don’t think that’s what’s being discussed here!)



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NO! the moderators will not "BAN" any member who suggests an individual asking for help to read the manual. My biggest pet peeve is the members who come on the group and when they have a problem they post to the group asking for help, when many of the answers they seek are in the operators manual of the Coach or Component they are having an issue with.

And NO, there are many members who post who have never opened a manual.


We have an abundance of Data, Files, Manuals along with Tips, Parts List and Vendors that every member has access to research a problem they are having before they post their problem.

It is amazing to me how many owners of these Class A coaches have never read the Owners Manual that come with the Coach, they do not have any Basic working knowledge of how the Transfer Switch, Inverter, A/C heat pumps, Thermostats, Aqua Hot, Aladdin, Cameras, Slide outs, Leveling or Jacks work. All of the basics for these components are covered in the owners manual and also in the individual operating manuals for each component.

This group has some excellent members with much knowledge and experience that are willing to jump in and help out when anyone posts a problem in their expertise.

Another issue we have with those seeking help is to have them at least post the year, make and model of coach they own, "THIS IS A REQUIREMENT OF THIS SITE". Also, when posting a problem it would be great if the make and model of the component that is having an issue be included so that a member is being given the correct information.

We Moderators are here to help the members with the problems they are having with  their coaches, but it will save a lot of time and Bandwidth if members would take it upon themselves to Research the Manuals and other available resources if available first before posting.


And yes, we are a very friendly group and are ready to help anyone who is a member.

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Scotty and David, this site has grown since the Colonel first started it and Fred et al. I've been with you from 2008 give or take and the vast knowledge amassed over the years is invaluable along with countless hours in sourcing.  With that in mind, I don't feel there's anything amiss with suggesting using our resources, files, manuals etc.  If someones feathers get ruffled from that suggestion, that may I add is politely offered, then maybe the rules of the site have to be reread.  I heard in David's voice, a bit of annoyance, he had every right to be.  This, over the years had been said hundreds of times,,, CHECK THE FILES!  Anyone having a problem with that should probably find a better source of info.   Sorry boys and girls, this post bothered me as well knowing the work that has been put into gathering the info files we have. I personally and publically Thank each and every person involved in my education of the Rv industry over the past years. I couldn't have gotten a better education sitting in A Harvard lecture hall.

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Maybe one of the mods can write a forum manual that could be read before posting.  🥴 Heck, most posters don't even read the RULES of the forum before posting....keep in mind many of us are GUYS, guys just do, they don't read instructions or manuals.......just sayin....Dennis

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Wow! I am not going to lie. I thought I would have got way more bad feedback. I apologize if you were offended by this post as that was not my intention. It stemmed from a recent post by a user who needed help and 3 of the replies were "read the manual duh." I could see if they cited a page number and spot to look as an attempt to aid but my manual took days to go through and most spots I had to reread to understand. I think it's like 5" thick. 

I think we can all agreed to disagree that everyone should make an attempt to read the manual b4 posting if they have 1. Also posting "read the manual duh" usually doesn't solve any problem. 

Again I apologize if u were offended. 


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Personally, I was not offended, but it takes a lot to offend me. That said, understanding the owner's manual isn't as easy as a real time conversation with someone who has gone before you, so a post, to me, simply is a request for information. If I know the answer, I'll be happy to help, if not, I simply pass on by unless the topic is something I can learn from. If that's the case, I subscribe to that topic. Remember, owner's manuals were written by engineers and then proof read by attorneys. Often they are confusing and sometimes contradictory.

Telling someone to search on a forum or read the manual serves no real purpose other than suggesting someone is too lazy or stupid to do their own research.  Usually I'll do my own research and ask for help if I can't find or understand what I'm looking for. IMO, no apology is necessary....Dennis

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On 2/22/2021 at 1:22 AM, Romeo84 said:

Can we ban people that say check the manual? "Like" (like is a filler word as used here, similar to Ugh, Um) honestly this is a friendly group and most people won't post something if they have the manual.  Also most tips learned aren't posted in " the manual "...

The word ban is used entirely too often in today's society.  It is a violation free speech when one person doesn't like to hear that of another and tries to silence them.  Let's try to avoid this kind of tyranny.

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