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Everything posted by rpasetto

  1. We attended Bill's graveside service yesterday. It was a sad day. Peggy posted this on Facebook, a beautiful tribute.
  2. Yep! Maybe the upcoming Monacoers. I think that Landsdown was a popular paint scheme that year. The only concern I have is the black "racoon mask" around the windshield; I have little to no checking but I know the black paint is most likely to absorb IR heat. Wondering if any 05 Sig owners have repainted that to body color.
  3. Maybe Triplet? 05 Sig Conquest III. Wish I had been there with y'all.
  4. If you bring it in for lube, give the mech. the Monaco lube chart for your coach and the specs for lubricant types. I think that's in all the Monaco owner manuals.
  5. OOPS! Wrong bolt. The 3/8" bolt adjustment is for the awning fitting into the shroud. It's the 3/4" bolt which adjusts the pitch angle from the 20 degree default. 🙂 ... from pg. 15... ... diagram on pg. 18.
  6. The Girard patio awning just 'tips the corner of the door when it retracts with door fully open. I followed instructions from the manual (Screen shot below) but no change. I loosened both 3/4" nut& bolt as shown, then tightened the 3/8" adjustment bolt at least two turns but there was no difference. Then I tried to lower the rear to give more front to back pitch. Loosened both the 3/4" then backed off on the 3/8" adjustment bolt. After about a half turn the bolt could be turned by fingers. Looks like something is stuck. Sprayed a little oil in both front and rear assemblies and tried a few minutes later... same thing. Am I missing something? Has anyone raised (or lowered) their Girard adjustments?
  7. Tried "sony 4 pin camera cable connector" Would any of these work? https://www.google.com/search?q=sony+4+pin+camera+cable+connector&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS751US756&sxsrf=ALeKk03vDufVsvMAUWkV9YnsSLLCfzeJUg%3A1621200708947&ei=RI-hYMiaOYbbtAarsYTwDw&oq=sony+4+pin+camera+cable+connector&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQghEKABOgUIIRCrAjoICCEQFhAdEB5Q4gpYvSBg3CpoAHAAeACAAZIDiAGtDZIBCDEuMTAuNC0xmAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpesABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwjIzPaik8_wAhWGLc0KHasYAf4Q4dUDCA4&uact=5
  8. Good backup idea. Nice to have the redundancy when availability of replacement part is nil. Have you looked into using the VIP Smartwheel controller for lights, wipers? That may require swapout of clockspring or other parts.
  9. Has anyone installed that WACKO unit on a coach with the big swing down board which covers the inlets?
  10. Awesome! A joke I can tell my grandkids.
  11. We lost a few automatic coffee makers a while back. Realized the cheap electronics in the timer controls were getting fried. Went to a good ol' coffee maker with just an on-off switch and no more problems. The "modified Sine Wave" is basically a square wave and many electronic circuits react the way they would to voltage spikes.
  12. It's a good idea to run the coach, genset, furnace monthly if that's possible. It certainly won't hurt to change oil more frequently. If you are concerned about the condition of the oil, getting an oil analysis is a good idea. I've been using Blackstone for many years; there are others too. I generally send in a sample for analysis each year before the oil change. Sometimes Blackstone will tell me the oil is good for more, but I change it anyway.
  13. That's encouraging to hear. Maybe the RS232 adapters I was using is the problem. I tried an old usb-to-rs232 adapter; that didn't work on both the Thinkpads which I tried. Then a Startech Express card. I'll try a different card when I get the chance. Do you recall which card you used?
  14. I have not been able to get the Intellitec PMC II software to run properly making a backup on anything newer than a Windows XP computer. Paul, have you been able to do that?
  15. I made an inquiry I made to Garnet and received a response. Their SeeLevel version with an interface to the Aladdin is no longer available. The tank level calibration # is the same on the fresh tank full or empty so I think there may be a problem with the cable or the interface module. I put a Seelevel in my Dynasty years ago so it looks like I'll eventually go that way. Wondering if anyone has the specs for the digital-to-analog converter which Garnet used to have for that model.
  16. George, You shouldn't need to hit the center bolt. Once the wheel nut is removed it shouldn't take much at all. Maybe there's corrosion in the splines; you might apply some PB blaster and let it soak for a while.
  17. We have two sons in CA. A winter trip there was a regular yearly thing for over a decade. General RV-unfriendliness, CG insufficiency, congestion and fuel prices made it tougher. Irate motorists & crazy drivers didn't help the situation. In January 2019 we decided to take the trip with our pickup, stay in a B&B a lot closer to the family. It was less hassle and resulted in more time to spend with the grandkids. Now we prefer that our kids to come visit us; sometimes that happens. After CA stops their 'shutdown" if that ever happens, we may decide otherwise but as of now we don't expect to ever take the coach to the west coast.
  18. Do you have the rubber hoses with brass or steel threaded fittings on yours?... or the plastic VOSS connectors like mine? I just noticed that one of my fittings has a broken red clip. See Below, I do not know what, if anything, the clip does to hold the fitting together. I wrapped the tabs with a zip tie but do not know if that is sufficient to hold it. Has anyone with this type of connection replaced the whole thing with steel or brass "field-installable" fittings?
  19. I was thinking about getting a SeeLevel II to replace my rather inaccurate Aladdin tank sensors. I didn't know they had version a version which connects to the Aladdin system. I am not sure my coach layout is the same as your 05 Exec was so I'll start looking in my bay ceilings for the Aladdin bridge. Any more info you still have on this install will be appreciated.
  20. I can find the mate & lock connectors, pins and sockets online but not the pre-made cable ends like that. What is the URL where you found that?
  21. If you hear the relay clicking but no current output, that sounds like burnt contacts on the relay. Sounds like what happened to me years ago... I kept the old smartwheel controller ... somewhere... there were burn signs on the board at the relay as well as J12.
  22. Years back the Smartwheel controller on my 03 Dynasty showed burning at J12. At first I thought it was the connection but sometime later the headlight circuit went out. When I removed the smartwheel controller the circuit board where the corresponding "25a" relay was mounted showed burns as well. Some of the other circuits had been affected also. That's when I decided to make the headlight circuit permanent; durability of the on board relay is questionable.
  23. While waiting for my790R30 to replace the old Primary filter Setup I came across a picture in the 06 Sig Manual, below. The connectors on these look just like the ones on mine, and the filter system in the picture looks like the 790R30. It looks like it will be an easy swap if nothing breaks. My concern is if those plastic connectors break, where to get a replacement, and how to install them on the hose ends. Rather than that I would prefer the field installable metal type (JIC) but still not sure what size/type of that connector to get. I wrote to Voss so hopefully answers will be forthcoming.
  24. Check connections to be sure they are intact. The clock spring would be the next likely possibility. If yours is like mine was you can remove the center cover which exposes the wheel nut and a four wire connector. The other end of the connector is below where the steering column articulates. You will probably need to remove the cover for the steering column. Once both connector ends are uncovered you can check for continuity. When I did this I discovered one of the four wires had no continuity. That's enough to know clock spring replacement is needed. The clock spring on most early-mid 2000's Monacos is Douglas Autotech Clock Spring DAC-1900043 Installation guide can be downloaded here. http://www.douglasautotech.com/departments/service-parts/
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