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Gary 05 AMB DST

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Everything posted by Gary 05 AMB DST

  1. Myself I wouldn't trust control of the turbo to a rebuilt one. Gary 05 AMB DST
  2. Jim, Where is the actuator located? That thing is sure expensive. Gary 05 AMB DST
  3. Suncoast Designers in Hudson Fl. They replaced two of my windows because of fogging. They have overnight parking and power. Gary 05 AMB DST
  4. I just bought it off Amazon, don't remember the brand but it is red. MH is not accessible with the snow piled around it. I don't boondock (not allowed). I just felt that using the inverter for the fridge would just put another load on it as I replaced the inverter 3 years ago. Gary 05 AMB DST
  5. Don, I was wondering where Gary M bought his seat cover. You probably have a different seat than I do. Thanks though. Gary 05 AMB DST
  6. I have a Valterra shut off valve that attaches to drain pipe. I keep it and the tank valves closed. When the gray water tank is full, I open the gray water then the black water. Since there is more gray than black water, it flows into the black tank. When the water level is equal, I close the black valve and open the Valterra valve and drain the gray. Close the gray and Valterra and go through the same procedure again when the gray is full. When the black tank is full, open the Valterra valve then the black valve and drain the black. When empty close Valterra and open gray and let it flow till water level is equal with the black tank and then close gray and open Valterra. If you have a clear plastic fitting you will see solids (which seem to be lighter than water) flowing out at the end of this step meaning that the solids are still on the tank bottom. After about 3 transfers from the 60 gallons of the gray water tank, you probably will not have any solids flowing out. It is much faster than filling the whole black tank to drain again just to have the solids remain on the bottom. Gary 05 AMB DST
  7. Did you purchase that seat cover from the former employee who has the patterns? I am thinking of redoing mine. Gary 05 AMB DST
  8. I installed a 800 watt inverter just for the RF-18 and connected it to the 12v house batteries. I felt more comfortable with a separate invertor for the frig. Haven't had any problems in 10 years. Gary 05 AMB DST
  9. Just asking. The jack under the axle is carrying the total weight of the MH? Gary 05 AMB DST
  10. Remember to have water in the tank before turning on the electric coil. It fries instantly with no water. Gary 05 AMB DST
  11. Last year my right rear jack wouldn't hold a load, slowly lowered and twisted the frame. Noticeable on our two-piece windshield. My passenger side, upper corner would be affected. I talked to RVA and they were back ordered on the jack, $880. Knowing it would take months to get a jack, I removed it and found a hydraulic shop that could rebuild it. It took them 2 days and it cost $80. Glad that RVA was back ordered. I had to remove the batteries to open up the back panel of the battery bay to get to the hose and bolts. Patched the opening with a shiny new piece of sheet metal. It was a easy job. Gary 05 AMB DST
  12. When you say shaft, do you mean the slip joint on the drive shaft? Is the Windsor the Monaco version of the Holiday Rambler Endeavor? Gary 05 AMB DST
  13. Loel, Does your paint on the outside of the slide match the pattern on the body when the slide is closed? If not, the slide is moving up or down for some reason. If it matches, that is how it came from the factory. Gary 05 AMB DST
  14. Donflem, Remember when you take out the indoor window frame, there is nothing holding the window in place. Push on it and the window will pop out. Were those phillips screws original? I know on my 05 Ambassador, all screws are square drive. They sure look like phillips. Gary 05 AMB DST
  15. DUH! I knew that. LOL! Gary05 AMB DST
  16. Hi Rick A, could you send me a photo too? Gary 05 AMB DST
  17. I've been looking to replace my sofa also. Is the window behind the recliners the escape window? My escape window is behind the sofa on my flat floor slide on the driver's side and that slide is about 30" deep and my opposite slide is similar to your driver's slide in depth and not a flat floor slide. I was thinking of using the flat floor slide but afraid of the extra weight on it. Looks Good! Gary 05 AMB DST
  18. What is supporting the outer half of the the new seats? Gary 05 AMB DST
  19. WOW! Thanks Larry. That was always a concern of mine of a broken hose on the road. I wish I knew that two years ago when I flushed my cooling system to switch to Cummins ES Compleat, a million mile coolant. Guess I'll buy them now and keep them ready. But, it seems like every time I buy something for that purpose, I never need it. Is the Knight the Monaco version of Holiday Ramblers' Ambassador? Gary 05 AMB DST
  20. Farm and City use Progressive, at least that was the one I used with F&C. I switched to Safeco. If you use your motorhome more than 250 days, you become a full-timer. Do you have a buy price or stated value policy? Gary 05 AMB DST
  21. ED, it's been so long ago I don't remember. Gary 05 AMB DST
  22. I always had a problem with my upper right corner on the street side popping out. I have the two piece windshield. The best results I found was Freddie's Glass in Waco, TX. He was the only one that used a pure urethane adhesive with a separate primer application. They removed the right side windshield and gasket. Most shops just apply urethane with primer into the existing gasket. I even bought my own glass suction cups to help reset the corner myself on the road. Been 4 years since it was done when it used to be a yearly repair for me. Gary 05 AMB DST
  23. Code reader? I thought only Cummins had the code readers. What are the after-market readers? Gary 05 AMB DST
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